Why are we humans so weird

Manish Demblani
2 min readMay 18, 2018

Why are we humans so weird,
We think ourselves the best predator on the planet,
We think of ourselves at the top of the food chain,
But still the very fact that when faced one-on-one with another animal, we feel scared.

Why are we humans so weird,
We delight at the sight of watching animals in a cage,
But fail to realize the irony, that it is us, who is in a cage when going to a safari.
We think that we are safe when we see animals in a cage,
But also see ourselves as safe, when in a cage at a safari.

Why are we humans so weird,
We go for things which we do not have(as they say, the grass is greener on the other side),
But fail to realize what we already have.

We seek for advice from the one’s we think can help,
But always do what we deem right.
We think that asking for advice would help us get in the right direction,
But yet we tend to ignore everything and only take parts which already agree with our inner conscience.

We think that it is fine that we stay in isolation,
But the very fact of missing out on things, makes us question our decision.
We tell others to be true to themselves and be who they really are,
But we ourselves keeping bringing change unto- ourselves the way society demands.

Why are we humans so weird,
I think that’s the beauty of being human after all.
If you are not different, and constantly questioning your thoughts,
I guess, then you’re not human.



Manish Demblani

Archduke of Computer Engineering. Code to enjoy, like to build stuff, software architecture, DevOps, and learn new technologies. LFC Fan #YNWA.